Wednesday, December 9, 2009


I liked the children's e books site because it had a lot of different books by different authors. I liked how you could choose the grade level and author easily. It could serve as the listening center in the classroom. The computer and that site could replace tape players and cd players. I can tell how it would be very beneficial to the classroom teacher and parents at home as well. I would not want it to replace the act of actually having a book in your hand and reading but I think it would be a good tool to support reading.


I explored podcasts and I was really surprised to see that it had a good selection of music for different age groups and religions. It could be used in the music classroom to give a wide variety of different music to the children.

Online Video

I explored the Youtube and Yahoo videos and it would not let me have access to either of these. I guess that maybe it is to violent or has adult material on it for it to be blocked at school. I have heard about some of the things that people see on youtube and have been disgusted by it. I do not think that these sites have a place in my classroom. I also looked at google videos and I saw a lot of videos available but none that I thought was educational and served a purpose in the classroom.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

online applications and tools

I went into the online application and tools and I created a resume at googledoc. It was quick and easy. I never could find out how to share my document with co workers. I guess I will have to ask a co worker how to share this information. I tried!